Score API

The Yup Score provides a reputation metric for every EVM/Ethereum address by aggregating their on-chain actions and ranking them between 1-100. The weight of each action is determined by its social value. Base URL:



/score?address={ENS or ETH address}

Returns a reputation score from 0-100 for an EVM address or ENS name Query params: {address} - any EVM address or ENS



Returns a json object with the current weights, names, and values

Rate limits: 50 requests per minute, per IP

Scores TTL: currently scores are refreshed after 1 day



Each adapter calculates a score based on an accounts onchain activity. Adapter scores are weighted and summed to generate the final Yup score.



retrieves ENS domains held

Ethereum Balance

retrieves Ethereum balance

Polygon Balance

retrieves Polygon balance

Ethereum NFTs

retrieves Ethereum NFTs held

Gnosis NFTs

retrieves Gnosis (xDai) NFTs held

Polygon NFTs

retrieves Polygon NFTs held

Ethereum Activity

retrieves Ethereum tx count and account age

Recent Polygon Transfers

retrieves recent transfers on Polygon and finds related addresses

Recent Ethereum Transfers

retrieves recent transfers on Ethereum and finds related addresses

Ethereum ERC20 Tokens

retrieves ERC20 tokens held


retrieves snapshot vote count

Proof of Humanity (PoH)

retrieves PoH status

Last updated